ok,ak nak gak update blog wpon ak tga demam + byk gler2 keja yg perlu disiapkan sblm hari esok.sbb esok ak da xnk wt keje sbb lusa ade kuiz.so,perlu study ntuk kuiz.huh,ari ni ade kuiz clinical microbiology.aduiiiii.1 perkataan je slh trus menyebabkan ak hilang 2 markah.owh,sgt sadisss.nyesal2 gler2.naseb baek DR.P (xleh tulis name penuh,kang die goggle name die skali tjumpe blog ak, mmg menyesal x sudah) ari ni baek jek.hahaha.siap bole belajar nk sebut "telur" lg tu ye.then ak siap bole gelak2 lg bile die slh sebut.hoho.amboi,die slh ckt ak bantai gelak ye.cube ak slh yg melambak2 tuh???hahaha.tp ak cpt2 cover pas die tgk ak gelak tuh.time tuh wt senyum kambing jela dpn die.mampusss kalu die nampk.x psl2 ak kene halau.ok2.sudah.nk wt correction ntuk kuiz yg slh tuh.
question : differentiate the infectivity and severity (4 marks)
jwpn ak : infectivity is the ability to against the host defense system but the severity is the degree of damage down of host by pathogen.
jwpn dr.p : infectivity is the ability to resist the host defense system but the severity is the degree of damage down of host by pathogen.
mule2 ak dpt question tuh,tgk markah die 4.ak da gigil2 da.spjg ak bce nota die bg 1 je point ntuk setiap severity and infectivity tuh.huh.mampuss.nak kerling ckt2 pon tkut.apetah lg nk meniru.ak siap nk bg jwpan bodoh lg iaitu, ok,jgn gelak ye kalu korg2 nk bce
jwpn bodoh yg ak nk bg tp ak potong blik : infectivity is first factors to pathogenicity and the severity is a second factor of pathogenicity. infectivity is the most important factor of pathogenicity.
sila lihat.owh.betapa bodohnye jwpan ak nk bg tuh kan.pastu mase nk anta tuh ak kerling ckt krts kwn ak tuh.da la die tanda mase dlm kls tuh jgak.ak punye cuak Tuhan je tau tkut die mrh kalu bg jwpn bodoh tuh.hahaha.seb bek ak still nampak ape kwn ak tulis wpon ak x pkai spek time tuh.hohooho.ak cpt2 potong berdouble2 line xnk bg nampk jwpan bdh ak tuh.hahaha.
then ble da dpt kertas tuh blik,owh!!!!ak sgt malu.die dpt 10.hehe,ade ke org dpt 10?.ak dpt 6 je.waaaaa.malu2.kwn2 ak mostly dpt 8.dsebabkan 1 perkataan je salah ak kene potong markah sebanyak 2 ye.nak je ak btau 1 dunia.. KORANG,AK SLH 1 PERKATAAN JE.AK X BODOH.
Equinok dan el-nino
9 years ago
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